Ear Acupuncture
$30 Dollar Special
Did you know that Traditional Medicine (also known as Acupuncture, Cupping and Herbal Medicine) are natural ways to alleviate the following symptoms?: Allergies, frequent colds & sinus infections, fatigue, anxiety, depression, digestive problems, insomnia, migraine and headaches, obesity, PMS, infertility as well as many other health concerns.
We are offering ear acupuncture in a group circle. You only have to stay 25 minutes to reach homeostasis. Come try this 5,000-year-old healing modality and learn more about the ear can treat the entire body through the 10th cranial nerve!
Save your spot!: Full name and contact info to DRPICKETTROSE@GMAIL.COM or Text: (650) 888-5408
For more information please visit: HomeostasisMedicine.com